Friday, June 24, 2011

Life @ Grammy's - Day 5 of VBS

Day 5 at VBS

This has been a great week at VBS. The kids in my class were great. I taught the 6th grade girls and I really enjoyed every one of them. Randy taught the 6th grade boys and I really really really understand that sweet 6th grade girls act differently than "sweet" 6th grade boys!! Our Lesson time was a little shorter today because we needed time to practice for the parents program tonight. (picture above - kids lining up at the program) 

We started the evening in the gym (fellowship hall) and had pizza and lemonade. Then headed to the auditorium (sanctuary) for the program. The kids all did GREAT. Everyone sang louder and did the sign language better than in any practice! Great show!

Josie and her new friend Haley with many promises to keep in touch!

For the afternoon, we spent a couple of hours at the pool and took some time to rest.

After the program we headed to what quickly became a favorite place
after Aunt Michelle took us there:
Orange Leaf

The best self serve frozen yogurt EVER!!!
If you ever have an opportunity to go to one DO IT! It is wonderful.

Once we got home, Randy needed the "apples" picked up out of the back yard.
He usually offers Andru 5 cents per apple.
Andru wasn't really interested because he and Riley had already made plans.
Josie jumped on the opportunity to make her own money!

While Josie was making her own money - and she collected 171 apples! 
So she now has $8.55 -
Anyway, while she was making $$$
the boys were -

You can't see the rod and reel but yep- fishing again!
I told Randy they remind me a bit of Tom and Huck.

Randy is catching sleep anytime and anywhere he can!!

There is a reason God gives children to younger people!!!

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