Attend school regularly.
Be prepared for class.
Communicate your needs in a respectful manner.
Develop a positive attitude.
Eat a good breakfast each morning.
Focus on your goals.
Give youself a pat on the back regularly.
Help yourself before seeking assistance.
Imagine what you'd like to be as an adult.
Join in on all class activities and discussions.
Keep on task.
Learn as much as you can.
Make the most of every situation.
Note your progress.
Optimize your talents.
Put forth your best effort.
Quickly resolve conflicts.
Run your race with the intention of winning.
Trust yourself and try new things.
Use your time wisely.
Voice your opinions.
Watch out for distractions.
"X"-amine your work carefully.
You are capable of great things.
Zoom in on your strengths!
This was in a brochure from one of Andru's 7th grade teacher.
LOVE it! If everyone, teachers and students AND administration and support staff would follow these guidelines the year would be fantastic!