Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's Your Ministry Passion?

I have been challenged by Nehemiah before. The notes I took from a sermon on this Old Testament book Y.E.A.R.S  ago are some I still carry in my Bible cover. I look at them every once in a while to remind myself of his character qualities and that I would like those same qualities in my life.

Immediately when Nehemiah learned of the fate of Jerusalem and the Jews that lived there he wept, mourned, prayed and fasted. His heart was broken with compassion for his people.

Nehemiah 2:12:
I set out during the night with a few others. I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem. There were no mounts with me except the one I was riding on. (emphasis mine)

God put a "ministry passion" (my phrase) on Nehemiah's heart. God gave him a compassion for something/someone and guided him into acting on this passion.

While in prayer, Nehemiah:

  • Acknowledged and praised God  
  • Asked God to hear his pleas and confessed his sins
  • Prayed God's Word
  • Acknowledged all God had done for him
  • Petitioned God

Praying in this way encouraged Nehemiah to act on his ministry passion.

Oswald Chambers has been credited with saying, "Too often we treat prayer as the preparation for the work of the church. Do you not see? Prayer is the work of the church."  

Prayer prepares me.

Prayer prepares my church.

"We will accomplish little of eternal significance apart from prayer." Kelly Minter


Prayer is the key. 

Prayer is the foundation to build our ministry.

Prayer is the foundation to build our ministry passion.

Also, Nehemiah prayed for several months before he acted. A great reminder to NOT get ahead of God.

In Kings, God tells David, "It is well to have this in your heart."

David's Ministry Passion was on his heart - just as Nehemiah's.

What do you have in your heart?

What is your ministry passion?

Are you taking time to pray about it?

It is well to have your ministry passion on your heart.

Pray and listen, God will guide.

Some of my thoughts and notes from Ladies Bible Study.  "The Living Room Series"  "Nehemiah A Heart That Can Break" by Kelly Minter

My personal favorite devotional book "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers

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