As I go throughout each day,
I write blogs in my mind.
I always sound so eloquent and delightful.
I really amaze myself with my wisdom, my wit.
Sometimes I get on a soap box and by the time I'm finished
everyone in the world has come around to my way of thinking!
I go on and on about my grandchildren.
The good and the bad.
The lovely and unlovely.
I go on and on about my children.
The good and the bad.
The lovely and unlovely.
I've composed many a sermon!
many workshops!
I make you cry and laugh at the same time with my eloquence!
I've written many Bible Studies.
(I love writing Bible Studies.)
So then, when I have a minute,
I run to the computer, set down
go to blog spot.....
and look at the blank screen
thinking only of what I "should" be doing...
so, I continue on with my day -
thinking of the next subject I will 'not' write about!
Yep, I know just what you mean.