Wednesday, April 27, 2016

My Opinion

I think in blog form.

While thinking, I often begin putting my thoughts into blog form. I have a lot to say. At least, when thinking, I believe I have a lot to say.

Then I come to my computer and it all vanishes.

Oh, yes, I do that – I write down my thoughts. My ideas, so I won’t forget all the important things I have to say.

Then I come to my computer and look at those thoughts, those very important thoughts and ideas and I think – who wants to hear this?

I take pictures in blog form.

While taking pictures I form a caption in my mind.
(which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the rest of this post - I just thought it was important for you to know this. For no reason....)

Years ago – when my 40+ daughter was in high school Smile I would listen to my heroine Elizabeth Elliot while waiting at South High to pick up this daughter after school. On one of her radio shows (before podcast!)  Elizabeth talked about personal opinion.

This isn’t word for word – just my paraphrase – because as I said – it was a few years ago! But Elizabeth said:
When did we become a society that believes we must have an opinion on everything? It’s not necessary. It is okay to say, “I have no opinion on that subject.” It is also okay to say, ”My opinion is just that – my opinion and I don’t need to share it with others (or the world.)”
Take the subjects you really know about and have an opinion if you wish but unless you’ve done the research – don’t voice an opinion as if you are an expert.

I think of this often when I do come to my computer and click on the little pencil that takes me to Windows Live Writer. I do have a voice. But I don’t have to get on a soapbox about every little thing or big thing. I don’t have to have an opinion on every little thing or big thing. 

My opinion is just that. My opinion. And it means very little to others. Only me!!!

So, this is today’s opinion on my opinion…..

Thank you and good day

1 comment:

  1. I like to hear what you think. We are so far away from most of the people we love these days, it's good to have a means of keeping the connections strong and alive. Blogging, for us anyway, is about caring and sharing and listening. That's my opinion.
