Monday, January 10, 2011

More of my Mom's story

Well, I told you the miraculous story of my Mom's recovery from the car accident in 1953. Next let me tell you about how she met my Dad. (this is really my step dad but I've always just known him as my Dad.)

I was three or four years old and  spoiled! My Mom and I lived in a small house in my Grandparent's yard. I had two uncles and two aunts that still lived at home with my Grandparent's. The youngest Aunt was only five years older than me so I had a playmate!

This is the story as it's been told to me all my life!

My Mom had been dating and one night she went to Enid with a friend of hers. - her friend brought her boyfriend. After skating for awhile the couple wanted to go to a movie. Mom said she didn't want to go because she would feel like a "fifth wheel". So the young man said, "I'm going to ask the next man that walks in that door [of the skating rink] if he will go to the movie with you."  My dad, Frank, was the next man to walk in the door! If you know my Dad at all, you know how shy he is and the fact that he went is almost more remarkable to me than my Mom's recovery from the car accident!!

I'm not sure how long they knew each other before they married but they got married in June of 1957. (I think it was 1957, I'm really not very good with dates.)

Over the years I've often asked WHY did you get married during June? It's usually wheat harvest on their anniversary! I tease Dad and say it must have been raining!

I love this story of my Dad and Mom!

So, tell me, how did you meet your spouse?

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